Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rooster not doing his job

These are the portabella mushrooms we planted earlier. It has been great to harvest these and eat them or share. We've had grilled mushrooms, mushroom pizza and even mushrooms in eggs. Not bad for $100 mushrooms...just kidding.

Seems that our 21 days of eggs wasn't going to hatch any new chicks. Our rooster is beautiful, protective and, well loud. What he isn't doing is his job! We will try again when he is seen roosting in the right places. Sorry Geli!

Also, in collecting eggs, Phil managed to find a huge gopher snake around a couple of the eggs the other day. I bet his heart was pounding until he realized it wasn't a rattler. Our history with rattlers in this country has been interesting.

Finally, the screen house is looking good. We are waiting on some nice cedar for the flooring.


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