Friday, January 17, 2014

Las Palomas Canyon in January

Lots of talk these days about data being stolen through credit card transactions.  Getting back to the "do it yourself"  way may be able to help you save money and to use cash!  Live on what you make?  Interesting concept that has been lost for a generation or so.

I love driving through the canyon and hearing the work that is being done by the farmers and ranchers.  Our weir took a hit in the flood in September 2013, several of the gabions *see an example at Gabion-Baskets that hold the creek bank during the rush of water.  These metal cages are filled with rock.  Most of that rock is down stream somewhere.
The fields are starting to look like they are ready for planting.  Yards of gravel are being moved.  Arroyos are strengthened.  Another neighbor is plowing and leveling his field and I saw the horses cleaning up after some hay was mowed down canyon.
There is a rhythm to the year.  People work hard when they are relying on their own efforts. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done.
Check out this collection from Mother Earth News.  Wonder which will become the next experiment.

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